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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Peaches Geldof is back on the market

"I'm not giving up hope in finding you, Mr. Spielberg"
If you thought you haven't seen as much of Peaches Geldof as usual over the past few months (i.e. at least in one of every six articles you read), it's because she's been over the pond a lot, doing things which we have no interest in hearing about with Eli Roth, the actor/director who's probably best known for his supporting role in Tarantino's gory revenge fantasy Inglorious Bastards. Well, after eight months they've split, both have confirmed. So presumably she'll be back over here in no time, doing what she does best. Whatever that may be. Either that or she'll find another sugar daddy movie impresario to latch onto and we won't see her again for a short while.
She hadn't purportedly been seen in public with Eli for around a month, leading to speculation that there may have been trouble afoot. Although with the ring placement on her finger in this photo, you'd be forgiven for believing they'd got engaged. Maybe they did. It wouldn't surprise us. There have been much shorter marriages than that in Hollywood - Dennis Rodman and Carmen Electra, for instance. Nine days. And we thought they had so much in common. Or the Las Vegas marriage between Britney Spears and Jason Alexander, which lasted for the full duration of 55 hours. To be honest, even we, ever the optimists, saw that one coming.So there you have it. But don't be flippant now. An eight month relationship in Hollywood terms is the equivalent of twenty years in the real world. So give sympathy where it is due.

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