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Friday, February 11, 2011

Lindsay Lohan White Dress Sells Out After Sexiest Arraignment Ever

Want to dress like an accused jewel thief?
You don't need an orange jumpsuit, although Lindsay Lohan may be donning one of those soon enough. A tight white dress she wore to her Wednesday arraignment on grand theft charges has become the talk of the celebrity fashion world.
It's also sold out at online retailers. God bless America!
Hottest Thief EverLindsay Lohan White Dress
MAKING A STATEMENT: We don't mean her not guilty plea, either. Lindsay Lohan pictures from court this week? Not un-hot! [Photos: Pacific Coast News]
While we don't recommend it at your next arraignment, the "Glavis" dress, by Kimberly Ovitz, retails for $575 and is from the designer's pre-fall collection.
Lohan's choice of white was inspired, she says, to represent her innocence. Deep. It also made it her stand out in all the outside-the-courthouse mayhem.
Some are claiming Lohan was paid to wear the dress to give Ovitz some exposure and a jump in sales. If so, she may or may not have stolen that too.

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